
Stances/"BYF DNI"

About Me

Tag For Me

A note for those on mobile: please look at this page on landscape mode while I try to figure out responsive resizing. I'm a primarily desktop user and didn't realize how illegible it was lmfao.

Stances / "BYF" / "DNI"

I personally believe that BYF and DNI lists serve to provide quick and unreliable virtue signaling re: various discourses and other arguments on the internet, but at the same time I also like having a quick list of how someone's social media persona is meant to come over. Please note that this is not the end-all-be-all of why I might block someone nor a perfect representation of my opinions and neither is any other list like this.
I also regularly block blank blogs, blogs with color schemes I dislike, and anyone that gets on my nerves even a little bit, because it's my internet experience and I can do what I want, so if you were blocked and you're coming to find out why it's entirely plausible that you instead did one of these Cardinal and Unforgivable (sarcasm) Sins:
- like the color yellow
- put fandom stuff on any post about RL politics when I wasn't expecting it
- you made a joke I thought was stupid
- you like pastels
and so on and so forth. If I blocked you it doesn't have to mean anything.

Click on each point to open a panel with elaboration if you aren't sure what it means.

I endeavor in my personal life to hold space for good-faith discussion regardless of outdated or confused terminology or ignorance. I do not do this on the internet outside of a private setting, because trolls exist and it's fun for me to pick fights. If you want to hear elaboration about a stance I've taken, please reach out to me in private (ie: direct messages) and NOT over a forum like the tumblr ask feature because I will immediately assume that you're giving me bait and I will get really combative because that's entertaining for me.
I am always happy to have straightforward conversations with people if that's what it's meant to be, though please understand that I am also not an expert and I am literally just some guy on the internet.

If you are racist, you are unwelcome.

Racism is, obviously, the belief that some races are inherently superior or that some races are inherently inferior. These are not identical concepts but they go hand in hand. This is not welcome in my internet circle and if you are engaging in racism where I can see it I will remove you.

This includes things that "aren't racist but"
- you are anti BLM
- you believe that "black lives matter" is a hate group, or some form of hate speech
- you believe that gun control is more important than community self defense, and that groups like the Black Panthers' use of firearms in self defense is and historically was a bad thing.
- you think that the oppressed groups rioting is worse than state sponsored violence against members of those groups
- you think that "identity politics" are going to destroy the Left, and by that you mean anti-racism and not letting racist leftist leaders go unchallenged
- you think that there is only class struggle, no racial struggle, and racial struggle is a smokescreen to divert the underclass (in which case all I can say is that reading exclusively white european thinkers from centuries ago has rotted your brain and you need to go educate yourself on actual modern leftist thought so that you can understand the actual problems real people face now that the average person lives in 2022 and not 1902; try Angela Davis)
- you support eugenics in any way

If you are transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, aphobic, nonbinary-phobic, anti-polyam, or anti-kink, you are unwelcome

Transphobia is bigotry or hatred aimed at transgender individuals or the transgender community as a whole.
Homophobia is bigotry or hatred aimed at gay individuals and the gay community as a whole (and often used as a broader term for bigotry aimed at anyone on the queer spectrum).
Biphobia in this case is used as a blanket term for bigotry toward anyone who is bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, hetero/homoflexible, or otherwise under the multisexual spectrum (attracted to one or more kinds of people) or those communities as a whole.
Aphobia is bigotry or hatred directed towards asexual or aromantic individuals or members of those communities as a whole.
"Nonbinary-phobic" is used here in place of the word exorsexist, which I think has lower immediate recognizability to the average person; this refers to bigotry or hatred aimed at transgender indiviuals who do not identify with either "male" or "female" specifically, or those communities.
"Anti-polyam" refers to individuals who espouse bigotry or hatred towards polyamorous individuals or the polyamorous community.
"Anti-kink" refers to indivisuals who espouse bigotry or hatred towards kinksters or the kink community.

This includes you if you "aren't x-phobic but:"
- you "do not believe in" any facet of my identity
- you believe that I am faking any part of my identity
- you believe that my identity is harmful to others
- you believe that my identity is "unnecessary" or "out of date", or that it should be replaced with a new identity or label
- you believe that any consensually-practiced sex act is harmful to those involved or people not involved. This includes gay sex, friends with benefits relationships, and one night stands; and kinks (including whatever kink you dislike: such as consensual nonconsent/"rapeplay", bondage, painplay, and age-regression/DDLG).

This also includes you if you think that there is any place for gatekeeping on any identity in the Queer/LGBTQIA+ community. I don't care whether you understand certain identities, but if you think that telling people looking for community and support that they don't count because you decided so, you can see yourself out.

Exclusionism I don't take part in:
- mspec lesbian and gay man exclusionism
- "bi vs pan" label arguments
- aspec exclusionism, including intra-community shit. grayces and grayros and aplatonics are great
- literally whatever your "kick them out of the gay community" of the week is. i feel like this should be pretty straightforwards.

Furthermore, I don't like the idea that people who aren't part of some community are allowed to dictate what words people within those communities use to discuss their experiences and if you have a big issue with people trying to discuss their experiences by making up words then I'm going to probably block you. A short list of terms I'm not interested in seeing people call evil, but this is not all-encompassing:
- alloromantic and/or allosexual
- multispec and/or monospec
- transmisogyny and/or transandrophobia/transmisandry
- queer and/or MOGAI

If you believe that fiction and reality have a one-to-one interaction OR believe that fiction never has any bearing on reality whatsoever, I am not the blogger for you.
I am not an "anti-anti/proshipper," but when it comes down to it, my views align most easily with proshippers and I prefer to spend time in proshipper circles than anti circles (though I'd prefer to stay out of either).

The shortest and most effective way to summarize the "anti vs proshipper" argument is one on censorship. My stance on censorship is very clear: censorship is bad. At no points in history has censorship ever been a positive force and at absolutely no points in history has censorship ever been good for anyone in a marginalized community. This viewpoint is not inspired by fandom but by history, and the stories people want to censor being about graphic violence happening to cute cartoon characters I'm supposed to have an emotional attachment to doesn't really change anything in the grand scheme of things.

The short list of fiction opinions:
- fiction is not magically going to turn you into an abuser
- fiction about sexual violence is basically the same as fiction about non-sexual violence
- it is important to understand what the messages from your fiction are but that doesn't mean you are uncritically replacing your views with every new book you read or every new movie you watch
- fictional porn and/or violence does not hurt anyone and is therefore at worst only going to be a vector for potentially harmful ideas and never a source of active violence
- anyone can have any reason to read any book or engage with any other kind of media
- The only writing worth giving a shit about the readership of is media written to have a deliberately inflammatory political or social message. I use the word "deliberately" on purpose. Furthermore, I am a big believer in "knowing your enemy", meaning that (for example) as a Jew, I think it's important for people opposed to nazis and antisemites to read propaganda such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or Mein Kampf specifically to understand what the Nazis think so it can be more easily caught and countered.
- Information wants to be free, censorship is ineffective and dangerous, and the dominant social powers will always be the censors.

The short list of interpersonal opinions:
- interpersonal "moral policing" enforced via violent harrassment is fucking terrible for everyone involved no matter what kind of moral policing is being done
- the kinds of fiction someone engages with is not a suitable moral crusade to even bother thinking about, let alone policing with the threat of ostracization and violence
- anti-style fandom policing and the "pedophile boogieman" makes fandom more unsafe for teens and shelters dangerous adults that know how to play the game
- anti-style fandom policing and fears about sexuality in fiction are driven by what is at its core deeply culturally conservative and outright false beliefs about people and society
- anti-style rhetoric as it stands is dangerously close to radical feminist rhetoric about porn and sex work, and is dangerous to real people.
- anti-style rhetoric has a direct body count. I do not want to be a body on the pile. I will do my best not to engage with or hang around people who hold to anti-style rhetoric because they are dangerous.
- The readers of media or fanfiction do not collectively have bodycounts per work, and writers of fiction not intended to be politically or socially inflammatory are not responsible for the actions of their readers anyway. I do not consider someone's reading habits to be a sign that they are dangerous, which is backed up by science, and so I don't care what people read.

Ultimately, in regards to the discourse, I strive to avoid reactionary circles and the "proshipper" community exists specifically out of backlash to "anti" bullshit. I respect that, but any community whose ideology is built on going "nuh uh!" to any other community is going to land in some weird rhetorical places and I'd rather not deal with that.
Further, I think that the proshipper community has some serious struggles with depictions of bigotry that it does not know how to grapple with. That being said, I go out of my way not to have anything to do with the "anti" community. If you are even a little bit of an "anti" you are unwelcome; if you are a really hardline proshipper you probably don't want to be here either.

If you are a radical feminist, consider yourself 'radfem-aligned', are 'gender critical' or otherwise platform radical feminist ideals in a positive light, you are unwelcome here.

This includes but is not limited to the idea that all men are evil and inherently abusive, the idea that females cannot consent to any sex with men, the idea that individuals want to be part of the LGBTQ+/Queer community to rape nonconsenting LGBTQ+/Queer individuals or force them to "let in the straights" and/or steal away the "good" LGBTQ+/Queer people and turn them into not what you personally want (ex: 'there are no more butches any more, now they're all being convinced trans men' and 'lol all these aces are convincing these poor lesbians they're ace instead'), and so on and so forth.
This also includes "trans-inclusive" radical feminists.

If you are ableist, you are unwelcome.

Ableism is an umbrella term referring to bigotry aimed at disabled individuals or the disabled community as a whole.
There are two different major "classes" of disabled individuals: those with physical disability and those who are neurodivergent or have a mental disability. I don't truck with individuals who are ableist against either, even if you are a member of one group and not the other.

Ableism against the neurodivergent includes but is not limited to:
- you believe autistic people are "cringey" or "childish" for engaging with their special interests, or that people with ADHD are "cringey" or "childish" for engaging with their hyperfixations
- you do not "believe in" ADHD or Autism, or believe that they are "imaginary"
- you believe that Autism can be cured
- you believe that neurodivergent people should be eradicated from the population or not allowed to have children (eg: you believe in eugenics)
- you call people 'freak', 'smooth brain', 'psychopath', 'sociopath', 'psychotic' , 'narcissist', etc, when you really mean 'cruel and/or without compassion' or like literally any other word that would get your point across better
- you believe in "narcissist abuse" or believe that personality disorders make people inherently abusive
- you believe that people with personality disorders are inherently dangerous and need to be kept away from the general public and/or subjected to eugenecist measures to ensure that they will be eradicated
- you believe that empathy is the origin of morality
- you think that "weird people" (eg: furries, theater kids, whoever else is the piƱata of the month) should be bullied into acting "normal" and that there is nothing wrong with that

Ableism against the physically disabled includes but is not limited to:
- you believe that mobility aids are bad
- you call people disabled or ill in random ways ("cancerous", etc) rather than using literally any other word to get your point across when you want to make it clear you dislike someone
- you tag images of disabled people's bodies as 'body horror'
- you believe that physially disabled people should be eradicated from the population or not allowed to have children (eg: you believe in eugenics)
- you believe that disabled individuals should not have sex, or that any abled individual who wants to have sex with a disabled individual needs to be stopped
- you give a rat's ass about "disability fraud" and want to make it harder for individuals to get on disability

If you are antisemitic or islamophobic, you are unwelcome. Those who attempt to convert others to their religion are also unwelcome, regardless of religion.

Antisemitism is bigotry directed at Jewish individuals or the Jewish community.

This includes but is not limited to you if you: - believe that Jews "need" to be converted to Christianity to be fulfilled, or otherwise need to become Christian for any reason other than if a Jewish person truly wants to convert to Christianity of their own accord (and ditto for any other religion, but I live in the USA, so Christianity is the hegemonic and evangelizing religion where I live)
- reblog antisemitic memes "ironically" and are non-Jewish
- believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories such as the lizard person conspiracy, the various flavors of blood libel people like to promote, or that George Soros or other wealthy Jewish people with political opinions are controlling the Democratic or Republican parties
- you want to talk about is Israel and Palestine with me out of nowhere. There is no reason to discuss it with me in particular. I'm not Israeli or Palestinian and I live in America. We can discuss it if you really want, but I'd rather keep it private (and I'll probably just forward you toward actual Palestinians talking about their lives because I don't have a personal stake in it.) The only reason to bring I/P politics up to me unexpectedly is because I am Jewish, and this is antisemitic.

Islamophobia is bigotry directed as Muslim individuals or the Muslim community.

This may include you (but is not limited to) if you: - believe in Islamophobic conspiracy theories such as the idea that all Muslims are terrorists or terrorist supporters, "Islamization", the idea that all Muslims are antisemitic, and so on
- claim that Islam is inherently harmful to women and therefore all Muslims must be converted to another religion or atheism and/or you are anti-hijab
- you use religious or religiously-charged words and phrases like "jihad", "Allah Akbar" or "Quran" as insults

Truthfully I do not care if you think your religion is better than everyone else's as long as you can keep it to yourself. But if you feel the need to try and convert everyone you meet to your belief system, you are unwelcome here. This also holds true for atheists.
However, if you are an anti-theist (you believe that all religious practices are universally harmful no matter what), you are not welcome here even if you do not attempt to convert me to this view.

If you are opposed to radical body autonomy, you are again unwelcome.

I take an extremely radical stance on bodily autonomy and I believe that individuals must be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies. I am in favor of every elective surgery, every kind of piercing or tattoo or other body modification, and every kind of treatment anyone could possibly want. I am in favor of every consensual sex act, every extreme sport, and every medical or lifestyle-based decision an individual can undertake without doing active harm to others.
And I am firmly in favor of every individual's right to not want to engage with any of those things in any way.
Functionally this means that I am:
- in favor of decriminalization of all drugs
- in favor of all forms of body modification, including extreme plastic surgery, gender nullification surgery, scarification, implants, piercings, tattoos, so on and so forth (as well as, kind of obviously, more standard forms of gender reassignment surgery).
- in favor of assisted suicide as an available option for everyone, including those who are mentally ill but also those who are not, for any reason, but also firmly opposed to assisted suicide being made into anyone's only option
- in favor of mobility and accessibility aids for everyone who could find any use out of it, regardless of whether or not they're "disabled enough"
- all sex acts consented to by the involved parties, including sex acts ending in intentional serious injury or intentional death
- et cetera; this is a very easy stance to hold and easily made internally consistent so once you find the logic ("if it doesn't hurt anyone else, it is up to the individual to decide that they are the one who is hurt, and not anyone else") of it you can pretty easily predict what else I'll be in support of

As a result, I am also opposed to coercion and manipulation in all forms.

Finally, if you absolutely hate the characters I like, I may remove you from my internet experience via a block. I'm here to have fun and likely so are you.

Also, please don't hate-follow me. It will give me an inflated ego and I'll be absolutely insufferable about it if I find out, and also like if you're gonna make yourself mad about a guy on the internet that's probably not good for you (but mostly I just don't want to be walking around unable to hide The GrinTM because Someone On The Internet Just Hates Me So Much >:3c I Am Winning At The Internet >:3c

About Me

My primary name online is Red. I will also sometimes answer to CJ, Taz, Spider, or Ossifrage. Elaboration.

My online name is Red. This is fairly straightforwards. I joke that it's short for Redacted sometimes but it is not; it comes from the color. Before I went by Red alone, I was going by Red_Dragon on AO3, and it was an abbreviation of that that I adapted into a name.
My fursona's name is Taz; this is also the name of a self insert character of mine. In furry contexts, I go by Taz. I'll also use this if there's another person who goes by Red in the space I'm in.
I sometimes use Spider in some contexts, but those are few and far between.
CJ is actually an abbreviation of my real-life name. I feel like CJ is a more respectable name than... like... my actual real life first name, which in fairness I'm keeping because it slaps, but like. CJ is a real life doing work in reality and being a real person name. I'll respond to it just fine but generally I don't use it in a fandom or internet-nonsense context. It's the name I'd give to a professor when they can't figure out how to say my damn name.
Ossifrage is another name I go by sometimes, although mostly because it sounds so fucking cool that I had to slap it down in my identity somewhere. It means bone eater and it's a kind of vulture. :) You can call me that if you want but I haven't really gotten anyone to use it for me before, so I may not answer to it immediately. It can shorten to Ozzy which I also think is neat.

My preferred pronouns are (in no particular order) they/them, ne/nem, fuck/fuckers, and he/him. How do I use those pronouns?

He | him | his | his | himself - He goes to the store. He wants to buy himself some of his preferred snacks. When he goes to buy them, the clerk tells him they cost $2.75.
Ne | nem | nir | nirs | nemself - Ne goes to the store. Ne wants to buy nemself some of nir preferred snacks. When ne goes to buy them, the clerk tells nem they cost $2.75.
Fuck | fucker | fuckers | fuckers | fucker's self - Fuck goes to the store. Fuck wants to buy fucker's self some of fucker's preferred snacks. When fuck goes to buy them, the clerk tells fucker they cost $2.75.
They | them | their | theirs | themself - They go to the store. They want to buy themself some of their preferred snacks. When they go to buy them, the clerk tells them they cost $2.75. (Note that they/them pronouns are conjugated in the plural, so the verbs are different!)
If this is not clear enough, please feel free to reach out- I'm happy to help! :D

The quickest way to summarize both my gender and sexuality is "queer," but I may use different labels at different times to communicate different ideas. Elaboration.

I am nonbinary, more specifically genderqueer (and/or maybe genderfluid?) and fluctuating between agender, androgynyous, neutrois, a few very esoteric genders that don't really have an associated presentation I can sum up easily, and masc-aligned. I tend to summarize this as "genderweird." I will always answer to they/them pronouns, and I use ne/nem, fuck/fucker and he/him pronouns at slightly different times.
You can use them interchangeably unless I've specified one set or the other, but if i've specified the neopronouns and you aren't sure how to use them or are not comfortable with them, feel free to just use they/them.

In terms of gender, it's obviously hard to explain being nonbinary in a language as limited as english, but I have a few of those. My "base state" (as it were) is genderless, and a lot of the time I don't have any gender. Sometimes I have a gender and it's "male, to the left". Sometimes this "leftness" is more intense than others. Sometimes it is upside down and/or inside out. Sometimes the gender is recursive boy-being-a-girl or girl-being-a-boy and sometimes the gender is recursive boy-being-a-girl-inside-a-girl-being-a-boy or boy-being-a-girl-being-a-boy or girl-being-a-boy-being-a-girl and yes, all of those are different experiences and yes, it gets more recursive from there. Sometimes I have two at once. Sometimes I have four at once! Sometimes my gender is red glitter (distinct from being male or female but certainly not without its own elements). Sometimes my gender is the number three. A lot of the time my gender is underscored by, like an emphasis mark, noncompliance to that gender, but like, how do you be gnc to being red glitter; thus my presentation is all over the place. I'm not often aware of what my gender is until it comes up and then I have to think about it. I am often aware of my preferred presentation in the moment. That is completely different.

I am also bisexual and pansexual (yes, at the same time, but I mostly call myself bi because it's shorter). However, my existence as a bi individual is a little weird because I am also acespec and aromantic to the best of my knowledge. I've kind of given up on labeling that any further. In general, though, whether I present myself as bi, bi aroallo or as completely aroace depends heavily on context and mood.

I am, furthermore, polyamorous and a big proponent of relationship anarchy.

I am also a dom and a sadist. This is important to my identity. I enjoy BDSM-related power dynamics in a non-sexual and sexual context, and likewise for my sadism. If you have a problem with kink, we won't be friends, and that's just how it is.

I was born in the ancient yesteryear of 2001 (because I don't feel like updating my age every time another year happens), and I'm a white Jewish guy of both ashkenazi and sephardic heritage. I do on and off paganism on the side and believe in magic, and probably will not stop that any time soon. I like Transformers a lot.

There's something up with my brain but I have no interest in posting that publicly upon the internet. If you want to know then you can ask me yourself.

"Tag For Me"

Here's some things I'd appreciate it if you tagged for me!
None of these are triggers, and you absolutely do not have to tag them for me. I literally just want to be able to search for things I'd like to see more easily. Anything on this list can also be sent to me through the message function or you can @ me in the post itself :3
(especially if you have a common interest and want to make friends but have trouble starting a conversation, because like... ditto lmfao)

- dysfunctional Megatron/Optimus Prime
- dysfunctional Megatron/Starscream
- dysfunctional Megatron/Tarn
- dysfunctional Megatron/Overlord
- pretty much just Megatron in any kind of dysfunctional relationship actually. i wish to see him kill and be killed but in an interpersonal setting this time
- Tarn being a creep in general
- anything w/ the DJD just straight up torturing someone to death
- anything w/ the DJD and the Pet
- any heavily gory artwork, TF or regular
- body horror of any kind
- anything about the Wreckers (IDW), fucked up or not, where Impactor isn't a rapist with absolutely no respect for his canon personality
- fuck or die fics of any flavor
- art of eldritch horrors
- anything where Prowl gets his ass kicked without actual character bashing on him
- any Prowl/Constructicons (IDW 2005) stuff but especially dysfunctional Prowlcon fluff
- any brainwashing/shadowplay fics
- anything going into the fucked-up potential repercussions of the Autobots winning the war in any universe (for an example, see like. just flip through Bibliotecaria-D's works, or MlleMusketeer's)
- anything related to mnemosurgery/shadowplay (IDW 2005). so like mnemosurgery needles, fics relating to it or mnemosurgery recovery, empurata fanworks, headcanons, you name it, i want to see it
- bad end fics where someone wins but regrets it and then everyone dies
- "help, an alien parasite took over the corpse of my beloved and is trying to kill us all" fics
- any fics where the Quintessons take over Cybertron and everything is bad (ex: the infamous Eugenesis)
- anything about Darth Vader set during the Original Trilogy that doesnt mention the Sequels in any way
- posts about Anakin Skywalker that don't treat Obi-wan as though he were an infallible savior figure or intentionally abusive
- any star wars works that portray the Force as an eldritch terror